Message handling with Function Service


  • The operating system used in this test is Ubuntu 18.04
  • The function runtime used in this test is Python3
  • The MQTTBox is used as MQTT client in this test

NOTE: You can install Baetyl from source. Please refer to Install Baetyl from source for more details.

Different from the Hub service to transfer message among devices(mqtt clients), this document describes the message handling with Local Function Manager service(also include Hub service and Python3.6 runtime service). In the document, Hub service is used to establish connection between Baetyl and mqtt client, Python3.6 runtime service is used to handle MQTT messages, and the Local Function Manager service is used to combine Hub service with Python3.6 runtime service with message context.

This document will take the TCP connection method as an example to show the message handling, calculation and forwarding with Local Function Manager service.


  • Step 1: Install Baetyl and its example configuration, more details please refer to Quickly install Baetyl
  • Step 2: Modify the configuration according to the usage requirements, and then execute sudo systemctl start baetyl to start the Baetyl in Docker container mode, or execute sudo systemctl restart baetyl to restart the Baetyl. Then execute the command sudo systemctl status baetyl to check whether baetyl is running.
  • Step 3: MQTTBox connect to Hub Service by TCP connection method, more detailed contents please refer to Device connect to Hub Service
    • If connect successfully, then subscribe the MQTT topic due to the configuration of Hub Service, and observe the log of Baetyl.
      • If the Baetyl’s log shows that the Python Runtime Service has been started, it indicates that the published message was handled by the specified function.
      • If the Baetyl’s log shows that the Python Runtime Service has not been started, then retry it until the Python Runtime Service has been started.
    • If connect unsuccessfully, then retry Step 3 operation until it connect successfully
  • Step 4: Check the publishing and receiving messages via MQTTBox.

../_images/python-flow.pngWorkflow of using Local Function Manager Service to handle MQTT messages

Message Handling Test

If the Baetyl’s example configuration is installed according to Step 1, to modify the configuration of the application, Hub service and function services.

Change the Baetyl application configuration to the following configuration:

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/application.yml
version: v0
  - name: localhub
    replica: 1
      - 1883:1883
      - name: localhub-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
      - name: localhub-data
        path: var/db/baetyl/data
      - name: localhub-log
        path: var/log/baetyl
  - name: function-manager
    replica: 1
      - name: function-manager-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
      - name: function-manager-log
        path: var/log/baetyl
  - name: function-python27-sayhi
    replica: 0
      - name: function-sayhi-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
      - name: function-sayhi-code
        path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi
        readonly: true
  - name: function-python36-sayhi
    replica: 0
      - name: function-sayhi-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
      - name: function-sayhi-code
        path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi
        readonly: true
  - name: function-node85-sayhi
    replica: 0
      - name: function-sayjs-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
      - name: function-sayjs-code
        path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi
        readonly: true
  - name: function-sql-filter
    replica: 0
      - name: function-filter-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
  # hub
  - name: localhub-conf
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-conf
  - name: localhub-data
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-data
  - name: localhub-cert
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-cert-only-for-test
  - name: localhub-log
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-log
  # function
  - name: function-manager-conf
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-manager-conf
  - name: function-manager-log
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-manager-log
  - name: function-sayhi-conf
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi-conf
  - name: function-sayhi-code
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi-code
  - name: function-sayjs-conf
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayjs-conf
  - name: function-sayjs-code
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-sayjs-code
  - name: function-filter-conf
    path: var/db/baetyl/function-filter-conf

Change the Baetyl Hub service configuration to the following configuration:

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/localhub-conf/service.yml
  - tcp://
  - username: test
    password: hahaha
      - action: 'pub'
        permit: ['#']
      - action: 'sub'
        permit: ['#']
  - source:
      topic: 't'
      topic: 't/topic'
  path: var/log/baetyl/service.log
  level: "debug"

The configuration of the Baetyl local function services do not need to be modified. The specific configuration is as follows:

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-manager-conf/service.yml
  address: tcp://localhub:1883
  username: test
  password: hahaha
  - clientid: func-python27-sayhi-1
      topic: t
      name: python27-sayhi
      topic: t/py2hi
  - clientid: func-sql-filter-1
      topic: t
      qos: 1
      name: sql-filter
      topic: t/sqlfilter
      qos: 1
  - clientid: func-python36-sayhi-1
      topic: t
      name: python36-sayhi
      topic: t/py3hi
  - clientid: func-node85-sayhi-1
      topic: t
      name: node85-sayhi
      topic: t/node8hi
  - name: python27-sayhi
    service: function-python27-sayhi
      min: 0
      max: 10
  - name: sql-filter
    service: function-sql-filter
  - name: python36-sayhi
    service: function-python36-sayhi
  - name: node85-sayhi
    service: function-node85-sayhi
  path: var/log/baetyl/service.log
  level: "debug"

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-filter-conf/service.yml
  - name: sql-filter
    handler: 'select qos() as qos, topic() as topic, * where id < 10'

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi-conf/service.yml
  - name: 'python27-sayhi'
    handler: 'index.handler'
    codedir: 'var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi'
  - name: 'python36-sayhi'
    handler: 'index.handler'
    codedir: 'var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi'

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-sayjs-conf/service.yml
  - name: 'node85-sayhi'
    handler: 'index.handler'
    codedir: 'var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi'

Python function code does not need to be changed. /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi-code/ is implemented as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
function to say hi in python

def handler(event, context):
    function handler
    res = {}
    if isinstance(event, dict):
        if "err" in event:
            raise TypeError(event['err'])
        res = event
    elif isinstance(event, bytes):
        res['bytes'] = event.decode("utf-8")

    if 'messageQOS' in context:
        res['messageQOS'] = context['messageQOS']
    if 'messageTopic' in context:
        res['messageTopic'] = context['messageTopic']
    if 'messageTimestamp' in context:
        res['messageTimestamp'] = context['messageTimestamp']
    if 'functionName' in context:
        res['functionName'] = context['functionName']
    if 'functionInvokeID' in context:
        res['functionInvokeID'] = context['functionInvokeID']

    res['Say'] = 'Hello Baetyl'
    return res

The Node function code does not need to be changed. /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-sayjs-code/index.js is implemented as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env node

const hasAttr = (obj, attr) => {
    if (obj instanceof Object && !(obj instanceof Array)) {
        if (obj[attr] != undefined) {
            return true;
    return false;

const passParameters = (event, context) => {
    if (hasAttr(context, 'messageQOS')) {
        event['messageQOS'] = context['messageQOS'];
    if (hasAttr(context, 'messageTopic')) {
        event['messageTopic'] = context['messageTopic'];
    if (hasAttr(context, 'messageTimestamp')) {
        event['messageTimestamp'] = context['messageTimestamp'];
    if (hasAttr(context, 'functionName')) {
        event['functionName'] = context['functionName'];
    if (hasAttr(context, 'functionInvokeID')) {
        event['functionInvokeID'] = context['functionInvokeID'];

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    // support Buffer & json object
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(event)) {
        const message = event.toString();
        event = {}
        event["bytes"] = message;
    else if("err" in event) {
        return callback(new TypeError(event['err']))

    passParameters(event, context);
    event['Say'] = 'Hello Baetyl'
    callback(null, event);

As configured above, if the MQTTBox has established a connection with the Hub service based on the above configuration, a message with the topic t is sent to the Hub, and the function service will route the message to python27-sayhi, python36-sayhi, node85-sayhi and sql-filter functions to process, and messages with topic t/py2hi, t/py3hi, t/node8hi, and t/sqlfilter are output separately. At this time, the MQTT client subscribed to the topic # will receive these messages, as well as the original message t and the message with topic t/topic which is renamed by Hub service directly .

NOTE: Any function that appears in the rules configuration must be configured in the functions configuration, otherwise the function runtime instances can not be started normally.

Baetyl Start

According to Step 2, execute sudo systemctl start baetyl to start Baetyl in Docker mode and then execute the command sudo systemctl status baetyl to check whether baetyl is running.

Look at the log of the Baetyl master by executing sudo tail -f -n 40 /usr/local/var/log/baetyl/baetyl.log as shown below:

../_images/function-start-log.pngBaetyl start

Also, we can execute the command docker ps to view the list of docker containers currently running.

../_images/docker-ps1.pngView the list of docker containers currently running

After comparison, it is not difficult to find that the Hub service and the function service have been successfully loaded when Baetyl starts. The function runtime instance is not started because the function runtime instance is dynamically started by function service when a message is triggered.

MQTTBox Establish Connection

In this test, we configured the connection information of MQTTBox by TCP connection, and then clicked the Add subscriber button to subscribe to the topic #, which is used to receive all messages received by the Hub services.

Message Handling Check

By looking at the /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/function-sayhi-code/ code file, you can see that after receiving a message, the function handler will perform a series of processes and return the result. The returned results include some context information, such as messageTopic, functionName, and so on.

Here, we publish the message {"id":1} with the topic t to Hub service via MQTTBox, and then observe the receiving messages as follows.

../_images/mqttbox-tcp-process-success.pngMQTTBox received messages

After sending the message, we quickly execute the command docker ps to see the list of the currently running containers. All function runtime service instances are started. The result is shown below.

../_images/docker-ps-after-trigger.pngView the list of docker containers

In summary, we simulated the process of local processing of messages through the Hub service and function services. It can be seen that the framework is very suitable to process message flows at edge.