Device connect to Hub Service


  • The operating system used in this test is Ubuntu 18.04
  • The MQTT.fx and MQTTBox are used as MQTT Clients, MQTT.fx for TCP and SSL connection test and MQTTBox for WS (Websocket) connection test

The complete configuration reference for Hub Module Configuration.

NOTE: You can install Baetyl from source on Darwin. Please refer to Install Baetyl from source for more information.


  • Step 1: Install Baetyl and its example configuration, more details please refer to Quickly install Baetyl
  • Step 2: Modify the configuration according to the usage requirements, and then execute sudo systemctl start baetyl to start the Baetyl in Docker container mode, or execute sudo systemctl restart baetyl to restart the Baetyl. Then execute the command sudo systemctl status baetyl to check whether baetyl is running.
  • Step 3: Configure the MQTT Client according to the connection protocol selected.
    • If TCP protocol was selected, you only need to configure the username and password(see the configuration option username and password of principals) and fill in the corresponding port.
    • If SSL protocol was selected, username, private key, certificate and CA should be need. then fill in the corresponding port;
    • If WS protocol was selected, you only need to configure the username, password, and corresponding port.
  • Step 4: If all the above steps are normal and operations are correct, you can check the connection status through the log of Baetyl or MQTT Client.

Connection Test

If the Baetyl’s example configuration is installed according to Step 1, to modify the configuration of the application and Hub service.

Baetyl Application Configuration

If the official installation method is used, replace the Baetyl application configuration with the following configuration:

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/application.yml
version: v0
  - name: localhub
    replica: 1
      - 1883:1883
      - 8883:8883
      - 8080:8080
      - name: localhub-conf
        path: etc/baetyl
        readonly: true
      - name: localhub-cert
        path: var/db/baetyl/cert
        readonly: true
      - name: localhub-data
        path: var/db/baetyl/data
      - name: localhub-log
        path: var/log/baetyl
  - name: localhub-conf
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-conf
  - name: localhub-data
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-data
  - name: localhub-cert
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-cert-only-for-test
  - name: localhub-log
    path: var/db/baetyl/localhub-log

Replace the configuration of the Baetyl Hub service with the following configuration:

# /usr/local/var/db/baetyl/localhub-conf/service.yml
  - tcp://
  - ssl://
  - ws://
  ca: var/db/baetyl/cert/ca.pem
  cert: var/db/baetyl/cert/server.pem
  key: var/db/baetyl/cert/server.key
  - username: two-way-tls
      - action: 'pub'
        permit: ['tls/#']
      - action: 'sub'
        permit: ['tls/#']
  - username: test
    password: hahaha
      - action: 'pub'
        permit: ['#']
      - action: 'sub'
        permit: ['#']
  - source:
      topic: 't'
      topic: 't/topic'
  path: var/log/baetyl/service.log
  level: 'debug'

Baetyl Startup

According to Step 2, execute sudo systemctl start baetyl to start Baetyl in Docker mode and then execute the command sudo systemctl status baetyl to check whether baetyl is running. The normal situation is shown as below.

../_images/systemctl-status.pngBaetyl status

NOTE: Darwin can install Baetyl by using Baetyl source code, and excute sudo baetyl start to start the Baetyl in Docker container mode.

Look at the log of the Baetyl master by executing sudo tail -f /usr/local/var/log/baetyl/baetyl.log as shown below:

../_images/master-start-log.pngBaetyl startup

As you can see, the image of Hub service has been loaded after Baetyl starts up normally. Alternatively, you can use docker ps command to check which docker container is currently running.

../_images/docker-ps.pngdocker ps

Container mode requires port mapping, allowing external access to the container, the configuration item is the ports field in the application configuration file.

As mentioned above, when the Hub Module starts, it will open ports 1883, 8883 and 8080 at the same time, which are used for TCP, SSL, WS (Websocket) protocol. Then we will use MQTTBox and MQTT.fx as MQTT client to check the connection between MQTT client and Baetyl.

TCP Connection Test

Startup MQTT.fx, enter the Edit Connection Profiles page, fill in the Profile Name, Broker Address and Port according to the connection configuration of Baetyl Hub service, and then configure the username & password in User Credentials according to the principals configuration. Then click Apply button to complete the connection configuration of MQTT.fx with TCP protocol.

../_images/mqttbox-tcp-connect-config.pngTCP connection configuration

Then close the configuration page, select the Profile Name configured, then click Connect button, if the connection configuration information matches the principals configuration of Baetyl Hub service, you can see the connection success flag which as shown below.

../_images/mqttbox-tcp-connect-success.pngTCP connection success

SSL Connection Test

Startup MQTT.fx and enter the Edit Connection Profiles page. Similar to the TCP connection configuration, fill in the profile name, broker address, and port. For SSL protocol, you need to fill in the username in User Credentials and configure SSL/TLS option as shown below. Then click the Apply button to complete the connection configuration of MQTT.fx in SSL connection method.

../_images/mqttbox-ssl-connect-config1.pngSSL connection configuration1

../_images/mqttbox-ssl-connect-config2.pngSSL connection configuration2

Then close the configuration page, select the Profile Name configured, then click Connect button, if the connection configuration information matches the principals configuration of Baetyl Hub service, you can see the connection success flag which as shown below.

../_images/mqttbox-ssl-connect-success.pngSSL connection success

WS (Websocket) Connection Test

Startup MQTTBox, enter the Client creation page, select the ws protocol, configure the broker address and port according to the Baetyl Hub service, fill in the username and password according to the principals configuration option, and click the save button. Then complete the connection configuration of MQTTBox in WS connection method which as shown below.

../_images/mqttbox-ws-connect-config.pngWS(Websocket)connection configuration

Once the above operation is correct, you can see the sign of successful connection with Baetyl Hub in MQTTBox, which is shown in the figure as below.

../_images/mqttbox-ws-connect-success.pngWS(Websocket)connection success

In summary, we successfully completed the connection test for the Baetyl Hub service through MQTT.fx and MQTTBox. In addition, we can also write test scripts to connect to Baetyl Hub through Paho MQTT. For details, please refer to Related Resources Download.